
Osso's Ruby gem omniauth-osso helps you integrate your Osso instance with a Rails or other Ruby/Rack based application. It's a provider strategy for the OmniAuth framework thats uses an OAuth 2.0 authorization code grant flow.


Quick start#

Integrating omniauth-osso is a 3 step process of installation, providing a sign in mechanism and handling sign in callbacks from Osso.


Add omniauth-osso to your Gemfile and run $ bundle install. It's highly recommended that you use version >= 0.2.0 which depends on OmniAuth 2.0. If you can't upgrade to OmniAuth 2.0, be sure to only allow POST requests to your OmniAuth request routes, i.e. /users/auth/osso.

gem 'omniauth-osso', '~> 0.2.0'

Then configure your Osso instance in an OmniAuth::Builder block. Get your Client ID and Client Secret from your Osso instance's OAuth clients page and store them in your application's environment. If you use Devise, this config would go inside of your Devise initializer. You'll also need to set the base URL of your Osso instance.

OmniAuth::Builder do
client_id: ENV.fetch('OSSO_CLIENT_ID'),
client_secret: ENV.fetch('OSSO_CLIENT_SECRET'),
client_options: {
site: ''

Sign in#

To kick off a SAML sign in request via Osso, a user must submit a POST request to /auth/osso. If you include a query parameter for email or domain, the user will be routed to their IDP automatically. Otherwise the user will be shown an Osso hosted login page.

For convenience, let's use Osso's hosted login page by sticking a button on our login page that POSTs to /auth/osso.

<%= form_tag("/auth/osso", method: "post") do %>
<%= submit_tag("Sign in with SAML SSO") %>
<% end %>

Alternatively we can offer a SAML-only login form, where we ask for the user's email address, which omniauth-osso will pass to your Osso instance, allowing Osso to redirect the user to the correct IDP without rendering it's own form.

<%= form_tag("/auth/osso", method: "post") do %>
<%= label_tag('email','Work Email') %>
<%= text_field_tag('email') %>
<%= submit_tag("Sign in with SAML SSO") %>
<% end %>

Later you can more deeply integrate Osso into your main login flow - check out Osso's React library if you use React on your front end.


Once a user authenticates against their IDP, they are returned to Osso, where Osso decodes the SAML response, normalizes a profile for the user, and returns the user to your application's redirect_uri in order to complete the OAuth authorization code grant flow.

The omniauth-osso middleware handles the intermediate requests - exchanging the authorization_code for an access_token and then using the access_token to request a profile for the user. The profile for the user will then be available in your callback method under request.env['omniauth.auth'].

If Osso is your first OmniAuth provider, you'll want to set up a controller to handle the Osso callback. You're responsible for creating or updating a user, and signing that user into your application however you handle user sessions.

Rails.application.routes.draw do
get '/auth/osso/callback', to: 'sessions#create'
class SessionsController < ApplicationController
def create
@user = User.find_or_create_from_auth_hash(auth_hash)
self.current_user = @user
redirect_to '/'
def auth_hash

Here's an example auth hash you'll find in request.env['omniauth.auth'].

"provider" => "osso",
"uid" => "0f2525e2-0ae1-4c3a-8f6e-ab6d5f014efd",
"info" => {
"email" => "",
"name" => ""
"credentials" => {
"token" => "bc0d962705d3808a2de90384664dda230d293670a981a924aff7e2f074db16da",
"expires_at" => 1614190321,
"expires" => true
"extra" => {
"idp" => "Okta",
"requested" => {
"email" => "",
"domain" => nil