Build steps

The content of this article applies to the open source version of Osso and is not relevant to our paid plans. If you're already an Osso customer, skip ahead to Configuration.

Osso can be deployed anywhere you can deploy Ruby apps. A Node runtime (v14) is required to build assets. CI steps for Buildkite and Cypress e2e tests are included in the main Osso repository which you can use or adapt for your instance.

If you use the Deploy to Heroku button, the Heroku buildpacks specified by app.json will handle all of the build steps needed to serve Osso.

If you deploy to another cloud provider or your own infrastructure, you'll need to run a build script with yarn or npm, provide a Postgres database and serve a Ruby/Rack application with Puma.


  • Ruby 2.6.6, plus Bundler
  • NodeJS 14.4.0, plus npm or yarn
  • Postgres 10.0.0


Build assets with yarn or npm. The compiled assets are used for the admin UI and hosted Osso login.

yarn build
// or
npm build


Once you've specified a DATABASE_URL you can use rake to manage the database. Run bundle exec rake db:migrate whenever you update Osso in order to keep your database schema up to date.


Osso ships with Puma for serving the Ruby/Rack application. See Puma's documentation for more details.

bundle exec puma -t 5:5 -p ${PORT:-3000} -e ${RACK_ENV:-development}